This guide contains 25 pages of information and advice for children and adults struggling with hygiene due to sensory issues, executive functioning challenges, social differences, lack of motivation, and slow processing. Many neurodivergent children and adults struggle with hygiene. many caretakers are at their wits' ends and do not know how to help, how much to push, and where to leave things alone.
This guide is specifically written for children and adults who are autistic, have ADHD, AuADHD, sensory processing disorder, exectuive functioning dysfunction, etc.
- Explanation of why hygiene can be challenging
- Difficulties and solutions for
- tooth brushing,
- bathing and showering,
- menstrual care, and
- toileting
- Additional helpful strategies for hygiene routines
- Visuals and instructions to create your own visual schedules for hygiene routines
27 pages
This is a digital download.
Hygiene for Neurodivergent Children and Adults